Thank you! Kiitos!

Hellocon is over and we hope that everybody had a great time! The organizers want to thank all visitors, vendors, guests of honor, people from the artist alley, all volunteers, photographers, sponsors and Gloria and theater museum staff! We couldn't have done this without you!

Hellocon on nyt ohi ja toivomme että teillä kaikilla oli hauskaa! Järjestäjät tahtovat kiittää kaikkia kävijöitä, myyjiä, kunniavieraita, taidekujalaisia, vänkäreitä ja muita vapaaehtoisia, valokuvaajia, sponsoreita ja Glorian ja teatterimuseon henkilökuntaa! Emme olisi pystyneet tähän ilman teitä!

Sponsors part 2

Amazing lolita illustrator from Japan, Gloria Copetillo, has kindly become a Hellocon sponsor! She has drawn an exclusive postcard just for Hellocon, which will be given to all the Tea Party visitors and she has donated other amazing gifts for the bingo too!
“My inspiration is the art, lifestyle and elegance of antique eras, you can perceive his essence on my illustrations. Lolita fashion englobes all this things in a modern way and that is why I like this fashion and use it for my art. I want to share with the world my fascination and love for this kind of life."
Find more about her work:

Bard & Jester is Scandinavian based team of designers, makers and dreamers, shapers of the world. We have designed leather accessories with taste of specialty from Finland's spirit for a long time. Now we are operating worldwide and we have team members all around the world. Bard & Jester specialty is designed Leather Accessories like SteamPunk and Fantasy styles.
Master of ceremony Jani runs Bard & Jester´s team and takes care of the whole project. Through him they are all connected to create unique designs for the world and to the other side...


Grimoire is a Japanese brand specialized in girly and vintage fashions!
The owner of the label Hitomi Nomura will come to Hellocon in person as Grimoire's representative and you can admire her styling at the Pimp my ruffles! contest. In addition you will be able to learn more about Grimoire during the designers interview and have a look at outfits by Grimoire at the designers fashion show.

Grimoire will be bringing lots of new items to Hellocon! They will bring their new Art Nouveau sheer tights collection, iPhone case collection and of course items from their super popular Celestial print series!
Join the party with Grimoire!

Dream Holic

 Dream Holic is a wig brand focusing mainly on Gothic and Lolita styles, but due to our dedication to high quality and bold yet elegant design we are also atracting an increasing number of customers from other walks of life.
We design and produce all wigs ourselves, meaning that all of our products are exclusive to Dream Holic.
The Dream Holic collection includes a wide range of styles, shapes and colours, satisfying the needs of a diverse customer base with different preferences. Early 2015 Dream Holic also designed a new wig cap with an even better fit as well as improved breathability, providing a higher level of hygiene and comfort compared to products from other brands.

More information about Dream Holic:
Tumblr: @dream-holicwigland
Instagram: @_dream_holic_ / @yannmmm

Dream Holic is Hellocon's sponsor and vendor!

Cloudberry Lady

 Cloudberry lady is a Finnish lolita fashion brand specialised in both Millinery and Dress making. The brand also provides made to order leather shoes designed for lolita fashion!
All of their products, including the shoes, are handmade in Finland!

Their amazing pieces are also stocked in the Tokyo branch of ATELIER PIERROT 

Hellocon sponsors

We are happy to introduce our first sponsors! 

Chaya is a teashop specialized in East-Asian (Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean) teas and you can surely find something for every taste from their selection of over 200 different teas and infusions! At their shop they also offer selection of teapots and other tea brewing supplies which make tea brewing easy and pleasant experience. You will get a chance to taste a selection of absolutely delicious teas provided by Chaya at the Hellocon tea party! Chaya teashop is located at shopping center Kluuvi at central Helsinki. You can also purchase their teas online.

Marchen die Prinzessin launched in Korea on April, 2006, they started to serve overseas customers in 2011. Marchen die Prinzessin is a sweet classical lolita brand. They sell a lolita clothing : outerwear, dresses, skirts, hair items and more. We pursue to Classical, Girlish, Romantic, Graceful, Lovely. Our brand is for a girls who want to endless fairy tales.
You can see their gorgeous dresses in our designers fashion show!

Lorina Liddell

Lorina Liddell is Japanese online boutique for all the lolita lovers. As official retailer of Japanese lolita brands, we would like to tell you not only major brands but also indie brands and Japanese lolita scene! We are offering worldwide free shipping on orders over $200 and very flexible to customer’s request. Please enjoy our wide variety of selection. We look forward to serving you!

Miss Danger

Miss Danger is a new brand from Russia. We make gothic&lolita hats, bonnets, headdresses and some lolita accessories. We run our brand with all passion to lolita fashion, historical eras and elegant style. Our aesthetics is between fashion and theater and was heavily influenced by them. We believe details are the most important for the perfect look and we will be happy to add some unique elements to your outfits.

Hellocon Afterparty

★ Hellocon after-party has been updated! ★
When Hellocon ends, the party is just beginning! Hellocon's own after-party will be held at Kulttuuriareena Gloria after the main event. Get ready for a night of entertainment full of exciting activities, like live-music and burlesque! The doors open at 20:30 o'clock. The program of the evening is started by J-rock artist HITT, who will start playing at 21 o’clock. During the gig minors can still hang out in Gloria in the downstairs area. After the gig we kindly ask minors to leave the building. After the gig the event will be open only for people 16-year-olds or older, so remember to bring your ID. The upstairs bar is exclusively open for Hellocon visitors age 18 and over. Lolita themed drinks will be available and you will be able to chat with fellow lolitas and enjoy the performances. After-party entry is free for everyone with a Hellocon ticket or a badge. All you have to pay is 2.5 € for the cloakroom fee. Entry for people without Hellocon ticket is 10 €. The after-party will end at 24 o’clock.

★ Hellocon iltabileiden ohjelmaa ja aikatauluja on päivitetty! ★
Kun Hellocon loppuu, juhlat vasta alkavat! Helloconin omat iltabileet järjestetään Kulttuuriareena Glorialla päätapahtuman jälkeen ja luvassa on ohjelmaa burleskista live-musiikkiin! Ovet Helloconin iltabileisiin avautuvat kello 20:30. Illan ohjelman aloittaa J-rock artisti HITT, jonka keikasta pääsemme nauttimaan kello 21–22. Keikan aikana Glorian alakerta on avoinna myös alaikäisille kävijöille. Keikan jälkeen iltabileet ovat sallittu ainoastaan yli 16-vuotiaille, joten otathan siis henkilöllisyystodistuksesi mukaan. Yläkerran baarista täysi-ikäiset voivat ostaa lolita-teemaisia drinkkejä, seurustella ja seurata myös ohjelmaa parvelta. Yläkerta on varattu ainoastaan Helloconin kävijöille, ja se on myös K18. Esittämällä Hellocon-lipun tai badgen sisäänpääsy on ilmainen koko illan ajan, ja kävijöiden tulee ainoastaan maksaa 2,5 euron narikkamaksu. Ilman Hellocon-lippua sisäänpääsymaksu on 10 €, ja lippuja voi ostaa joko ovelta tai Tiketistä. Iltabileet päättyvät kello 24:00.

Kuura Reign

Kuura Reign offers hats and other accessories lovingly handcrafted in Finland. We look into the past for guidance on aesthetics, not ethics: recycled and vintage materials are used when available and we strive to always produce beautiful pieces responsibly. Our other inspirations are in misty forests, urban fantasy and queer culture. Kuura Reign's style is very feminine but we don't feel that clothing needs gender stratifications. Everyone is welcome to try on and wear our fashion!